Disease outbreak statistics map

This page shows the statistics of disease outbreaks in Republic of Korea through the map.
Users can identify the status of disease outbreaks at a glance.
Users can create disease outbreak statistics map by selecting year, month, district, disease name, and information.

지난 1년 실제 감염자 수 / 검색트렌드/ 뉴스언급횟수 비교(절대)
Comparison of the number of infected people, search trend data and the number of news articles of infectious disease by month

지난 1년 실제 감염자 수 / 검색트렌드/ 뉴스언급 비율 비교 (상대)
Comparison of infected people percentage, news article percentage and search query percentage by month

실제 감염자 비율 대비 검색트렌드 뉴스언급율 차이
Difference between news article percentage and search query percentage compared to infected people percentage